Mary Slessor who stopped the killing of twins in Calabar in the early 1900s' has her name to the SIA book....
Mary Slessor's importance in the history of
the development of the church in Africa
cannot be denied. She is remembered--by
some, venerated--in both Scotland and
southeastern Nigeria. In 2000 she was chosen
one of the millennium persons of Calabar, the
place she began her witness. She is honored in
the area with statues, each a likeness of
Slessor holding twin babies. A hospital and
schools are named for her. In Scotland a ten-
pound note bears her picture.
Her are some of her favorite quotes:
Blessed the man and woman who is able to
serve cheerfully in the second rank - a big
My life is one long daily, hourly record of
answered prayer. For physical health, for
mental overstrain, for guidance given
marvelously, for errors and dangers averted,
for enmity to the Gospel subdued, for food
provided at the exact hour needed, for
everything that goes to make up life and my
poor service. I can testify, with a full and
often wonder-stricken awe, that I believe
God answers prayer.
When you think of the woman's power, you
forget the power of the woman's God. I
shall go on.
Prayer is the greatest power God has put
into our hands for service - praying is
harder than doing, at least I find it so, but
the dynamic lies that way to advance the
Christ never was in a hurry. There was no
rushing forward, no anticipating, no fretting
over what might be. Each day's duties were
done as each day brought them, and the
rest was left with God.
Why should I fear? I am on a Royal
Mission. I am in the service of the King of
Lord, the task is impossible for me but not
for Thee. Lead the way and I will follow.
Oh Lord, I thank Thee that I can bring these
people Thy Word. But Lord, there are other
villages back in the jungle where no white
man has gone. They need Jesus, too. Help
me reach them!
Christ sent me to preach the gospel and he
will look after the results.
What would I do with starry crowns except
to cast them at His feet?
The secret of all failure is disobedience.
If you are ever inclined to pray for a
missionary, do it at once, wherever you go
In Christ, we become new creatures. His life
becomes ours. Take that word 'life' and turn
it over and over and press it and try to
measure it, and see what it will yield.
Eternal life is a magnificent idea which
comprises everything the heart can yearn
after. Do not your hearts yearn for this life,
this blessed and eternal life, which the Son
of God so freely offers?
If you play with temptation do not expect
God will deliver you
Pray on, dear one- the power lies that wa
It were worthwhile to die, if thereby a soul
could be born again.
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